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Aloxxi 7 Vol. Creme Activator Liter

7 Vol. Creme Activator

by Aloxxi

  • SKU: DV7L
  • Size: Liter
Note: Can only be ordered in multiples of {0}.
Aloxxi 7 Vol. Creme Activator is designed to be used with Aloxxi TONES to maintain a stabilized viscosity ensuring proper tonal direction and depth. The rich, creamy formula allows for easy application without dripping and is gentle to the scalp for client comfort.

See manufacturer's instructions for detailed directions.

Helpful Hints:

Color Developer and Timing Chart

Color Objective Mixing Ratio Development Time
(room temp)
Development Time
 Basic Color Blends up to 50% grey/white hair  1:2  20-25 minutes  10-15 minutes
 Color Refresher  1:2  10-15 minutes  5-10 minutes
 Toner and chemically processed hair  1:2  10-15 minutes  Not Recommended
 Intense tonal direction  1:1  20-25 minutes  10-15 minutes
 Blends over 50% grey/white hair  1:1  30-40 minutes  15-20 minutes

Fine hair is more receptive to hair color; therefore less development time is needed.